Project Partner


Association LIA / Window to the Future
Laisves ave. 3
LT-04132, Vilnius

info @


Leading Lithuanian businesses, such as mobile telecommunications company Omnitel, fixed telecommunications company TEO LT, largest banks Swedbank and SEB, as well as the largest Lithuanian IT companies Alna and Atea, came together and in May 2002 formed LIA / Window to the Future alliance. This alliance started a unique project aimed at businesses supporting the development of the information society.

The mission of Window to the Future / W2F is to promote the use of internet in Lithuania and hereby stimulate the growth of living standard as well as Lithuania’s competitiveness among European and other countries of the world.

Fields of activities:

Results of today:

-         175 PIAPs were established in 2002-2004 (private-public partnership),

-         the idea has been continued by the Ministry of Interior establishing 300 PIAPs in rural areas in 2005 (PHARE funding) and 400 PIAPs in 2007 (EU SF).

As a result, a network of more than 800 internet access points is established in Lithuania

Results of today:

-          in 2003 20.000 adult citizens trained on Internet Basics during the project, funded by private companies – W2F partners,

-          in 2006-2008 EU SF funded project “Computer Literacy Basics for a Lithuanian e-citizen” was implemented by W2F, the result of which – 50.400 adult people trained on computer and internet usage basics,

-          in 2008 MS Unlimited Potential Programme funded project started in which people were offered an opportunity to improve their computer literacy knowledge through distant training – almost 3.000 people finished e-courses.

All projects implemented by W2F encourage people to use e-services.