This Learning Partnership project “Integration, Volunteerism and Adult Learning, Through an Intercultural Pathway” is funded with the support from European Commision by Grundtvig programme which is a part of Lifelong Learning Programme.

Grundtvig is a programme that focuses on adult and continuing education. The purpose of the programme is to improve the quality of adult education and access to adult education by supporting the collaboration and mobility of institutions working in adult education. 

The Grundtvig Learning Partnership includes two-year projects for the collaboration of various organisations involved in adult education. The learning partnership targets the management of adult education and/or introduction of new teaching methods and methods for exchange of experience and information about a new mutually developed approach to educators and managers of adult education.



December, 2009 - The 4th meeting was held in Bratislava, Slovakia in 4-8 December, 2009

October - November, 2009 - Sample group trainings were provided in Lithuania

May, 2009 - The 3rd meeting was held in Vilnius, Lithuania in 6-10 May, 2009

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