The 4th partners’ meeting was held in Bratislava (Slovakia) during 4-8 December, 2009
The fourth meeting of a Grundtvig Learning Partnership project “Integration,
Volunteerism and Adult Learning through an Intercultural Pathway” – IVALIP was
hosted by Foundation Institute of
Transnational Education and Research and held
in the capital of Slovakia – Bratislava on December 4-8, 2009.
18 persons participated in this meeting from all partner organizations:
Intercultura-AFS Portugal (3 people),
Humanitarian Organization, Poland
(4 people), Giresun
Halk Egitimi Merkezi ve Aso Mudurlugu, Turkey (4 people),
Association LIA / Window to the Future, Lithuania (3 people) and
Foundation Institute of Transnational
Education and Research, Slovakia (4 people).
The programme of the fourth partners’ meeting involved these following issues:
Partners presented the defined target-group of the IVALIP project and the results of sample group trainings that were implemented in every partner country before meeting in Slovakia;
Slovakian partner presented analysis about theoretical and legal volunteerism aspects in Europe that support the project methodology;
The discussion about virtual game for inclusion was held;
Partners discussed and defined the final products of the IVALIP project and means of project dissemination;
And finally partners planed the next phase activities
of the project that should be implemented until next meeting in Turkey in
Besides direct project activities Slovakian partner organized the interesting
excursions through the old town of Bratislava and Small Carpathian route with
national Slovakian dinner. Also, all partners had an opportunity to visit local
Christmas market and feel the spirit of coming celebrations.
Final partner’s meeting is foreseen in Turkey next year.